
Good strategy is all about choice.

Choices of what to do, what not to do, and where to focus your resources, time and talent.  It is hard to make these choices without information and insights – from inside and outside your organization. Our smarts, methods and experience help us guide our clients towards bold, clear strategy proven to push and inspire teams toward greatness.

Problems We Can Solve

  • Our strategy is not clear

  • We don’t have a roadmap for the future

  • I don’t know how to find new customers/donors/investors

  • Most of my time gets spent doing unimportant things

  • People are focusing on work that isn’t in our plan or we have a plan but people don’t follow it

  • We have trouble making decisions

  • I want to get my team excited about what our business could be

How Pivot Innovation Helps Companies Strategize

Our clients come to us with any one of the following scenarios:

Within 3 months, from start to finish, we deliver your bold, clear strategic plan.

Strategy doesn’t have to be shallow to be fast.  We begin the process with genuine curiosity that uncovers internal strengths and pinch points, customer and partner feedback (do you know why your customers stay or why they leave?), and we dig deep into your data to uncover how your organization is really doing.  We regularly uncover intelligence our clients are previously unaware of.

Good strategy is built on making tough choices. Your strategy should have 1-3 priorities – never more. Pivot will get you to these priorities by ensuring we’re asking the right questions and you’re solving the problem that’s worth solving.

Having a radically clear strategy is critical.  Making it stick is what will set you apart.  Unlike most consulting firms, Pivot supports its clients through leadership coaching and implementation traction support.  We work with departments and teams to set and refine their business plans, facilitate regular leadership team check-ins, and support executive leaders in navigating the challenge of courageously committing to a plan.

Any change worth doing is worth doing quickly.

Our clients tell us the plans we create are more detailed and clearer than any they have received before, meaning they are more likely to succeed and implementation can begin immediately.

Why You Should Care

Did your last plan sit on a shelf collecting dust? Or maybe you haven’t gotten to the planning stages… yet. We’ve seen both and want to get you going on a clear path forward. With a good strategy in place, your organization can expect:

  • Fewer or no make-work projects costing you time and money that are not on plan
  • Aligned teams and resources making better decisions
  • Focus on greatness rather than scattered mediocrity
  • Less friction and churn in decision-making
  • Faster meetings
  • Getting to your goals faster, with less risk and cost

Pivot Innovation provides comprehensive strategic services including: strategic plans, session facilitation, program plans, stakeholder engagement, operational reviews and competitive analysis.

Ready to get started?

Invite us in for the first consultation – it’s free.

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